Q: I just made an order, when will it ship?
A: Orders are usually shipped out within 3 business days after payments have been fully processed. We apologize for any delays that may occur for shipment times.

Q: My order shipped, why is the tracking page not displaying information?
A: The tracking page can take 24 hours to fully updated. If the tracking page is still not displaying the information after the allotted time, you can contact us and we will provide you with the direct tracking page information.

Q: Do you ship outside of the United States?
A: We now also ship to Canada for in warehouse stock. At this time, we are not shipping to any other locations. Shipping for out of warehouse stock varies by region.

For warehouse stock information, view our shipping policy page.

Q: Do you ship to P.O. boxes?
A: We ship to P.O. boxes at the standard rate of a regular residential address.

Q: Do you charge for shipping?
A: We currently charge at the low rate of $1.50 for orders that are under $10, and $3 for orders that are between $10 and $120 for out of warehouse stock.

Warehouse stock and preorders are charged $4 or $5 depending on weight, or are subject to standard carrier shipping prices.

Orders made that are $120 and up will be provided with free shipping.

Q: My package says delivered but I haven't received it, what do I do?
A: If your package is displayed as delivered and you haven't received it, please contact us within 30 days of the delivery date. If it is determined that your package has been lost by the carrier then a refund will be issued.

If the package has not been received due to incorrect address information, no refunds will be issued. All customers are responsible for submitting correct address information at the time of ordering. If your shipping address needs to be changed, please contact us ASAP before any orders are shipped.

Q: How long will it take for me to receive my order?
A: All out of warehouse stock orders have an estimated delivery date of 7-21 days after shipment has started. This means that orders are estimated to be delivered to your address in 21 days or less.

In warehouse stock order estimated delivery times are 1-5 business days after shipment.

Q: I preordered an item, when is it going to ship?
A: All estimated arrival dates for preorder items are located at the top of the product description. For more information on preorders, click here to view our preorder policy.